Dress/Shoe Code
Students must adhere to the dress/ shoe code during every class for correct body placement and proper technique, as well as the ability to participate in class.
This is for both the dancer's safety and to protect the dance studio floor.
-No jeans/pajama pants/street shoes
-All hair must be pulled back/ secured off the face
-Garnet through Diamond Ballet classes are required to wear buns to class.
Failure to adhere can result in being asked to sit out of class
and repeated attire issues will result in a
meeting with the dancer and a parent or guardian.
-All Peridot, Ruby, & Sapphire combo classes: leotard and tights (ballet skirt optional) pink, leather ballet shoes/ tan tap shoes,/ black, slip on jazz shoes which can be work for Sapphire/Peal hip hop as well.
-Pearl Combo and Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical and Modern: solid color leotard and tights required for all classes. Ballet skirts are optional for ballet classes. Shoe requirements: Ballet: pink, leather split-sole slippers/ Tap: black, Capezio oxfords/ Jazz: black slip on jazz shoes/ Lyrical: nude half-soles or foot undees/ Modern: barefoot/ Musical Theater: wait for teacher recommendations.
-Hiphop: sweats, tanks/tees, athletic attire. Black Converse style sneakers.
-Pre-Pointe and Pointe: wait for instructions from your teacher.